Solal Energy Introduction
Solar energy has become an important source of power for many households across the world. The prices for solar energy appliances and cost for installation have decreased considerably over the last decade leading to an increase in its demand. Photovoltaic (PV) cells convert sunlight to electric power. The light energy or photons excite electrons in a semiconductor and the energized electrons generate electric current and voltage. Solar energy has attracted significant attention recently as more people realize the need for clean, renewable, and secure sources of energy. Solar energy is reliable, clean, sustainable, and affordable for most users. The energy has availed an alternative to fossil fuels and grid power and assisted to minimize power costs. Solar panels are highly durable with the first power plant constructed in 1954 in the U.S. still being operational today. However, the energy output of these systems is highly determined by geographical locations, environmental, and climatic conditions. This finding has led to significant research work attempting to model and quantify the power efficiency and output of solar systems as a function of conditions such as soiling. Dust accumulation on the surfaces of PV systems result in considerable reductions in their ability to generate power.
Soiling On Solar Panels
Soiling can reduce the power output that can be obtained from the PV technology. [1]The losses occur as a result of accumulation of dirt, snow, dust, and other particles on the surfaces of solar panels. Dust plays a huge role in the soiling of various PV modules with the area conditions determining the level of interference. Volcanic eruptions, pollution, and vehicular movements can contribute in generating dust. Adequate measures to clean solar panels are necessary to avoid reductions in the power output and avoid aggravating the soiling effect. The level of dust deposited on PV surfaces can decrease the amount of energy delivered by these systems on a daily basis.
Cleaning Solar Panels
Solar panel cleaning is important to maintain your investment in solar:
DIY (Do it yourself Cleaning) considerations:
Safety-> one story, two story, or three story heights are dangerous
Method-> improper cleaning methods put you at risk of damaging your solar panels
Cost-> equipment purchase, poles, ladders, etc.
Professional Cleaning Benefits:
Competence-> trained experts safely maneuver on one story, two story, or three story heights to clean your solar panels
Method-> industry leading equipment and professional cleaning methods restore panel performance
Cost-> Reasonably priced. A one time cleaning fee will cost less than a ladder, cleaning poles, brushes, and other equipment combined.
Solar panels provide reliable and sustainable source of energy. Consumers are increasingly leveraging the low installation and maintenance costs of photovoltaic panels. However, the efficiency of these panels has been limited by soiling that affect the power output and durability of such components. Appropriate cleaning strategies are required to improve the power output and reliability of solar energy across the world.
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